Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Osteoporosis and Inflammation

I met a middle-aged woman at the book signing at Against the Grain who had absolutely no symptoms for celiac disease, but had been diagnosed with osteoporosis.  Her perceptive doctor had her tested for celiac disease, and sure enough...she has it.  Dr. Peter H.R. Green states, "Low bone density and osteoporosis are common in patients with celiac disease." (See P. 40, Celiac Disease:  A Hidden Epidemic)

Inflammation can be a problem for those of us with celiac disease, as Dr. Green explains:

"While malabsorption underlies many of the symptoms of celiac disease, the inflammatory process itself is now understood to be a major factor in the development of symptoms.  Inflammation, mainly through the increased levels of circulating cytokines, makes people feel unwell.

"It is well documented that autoimmune diseases tend to travel in tandem.  That is, if you develop one, you are more likely to develop another.  It is believed that this is most likely due to a genetic predisposition.  Approximately 8 to 10 percent of all type 1 diabetics have celiac disease, and the number may be higher as more patients are diagnosed."  (See P. 40, Celiac Disease:  A Hidden Epidemic)

Those around us who are struggling with autoimmune diseases may need to be tested for celiac disease.  It is important to let them know there is a chance that celiac disease or gluten intolerance could also be a possible diagnosis.   Even though our diet is difficult, it is worth going gluten free to feel better.


  1. Very interesting blog.
    My dad suffers from osteoporosis that is a very painful disease that is why taking medicines prescribed - Oxycontin, Lortab and Percocet.
    Mentioned Findrxonline in your web that osteoporosis is more common in women that they have less mass bone.

  2. The way my Mother was diagnosed for Celiac was because she was diagnosed with osteopenia, which is a mild form of osteoporosis. She did some research about it and found that can be sign of Celiac, which we have a family history of. She went to her doctor and had some tests done and found that she did in fact have Celiac. She does not have many of the other symptoms and even those are not very severe. On the other hand, I have very severe symptoms.

    Just because people who have been diagnosed as Celiac don't get sick doesn't mean that they should not stick to a GF diet. The "silent" affects of Celiac can be just as deadly. Thank you for your informative posts.
